Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wednesday and Friday...

Is everyone still up for swimming this week? I've been out of the loop all last week with family and such, so I'm not sure what every has in mind.

Also, if anyone knows of some good water parks, let's get some of those into the rotation. I personally don't love the Mountain's Edge park, only because it is so big and hard to keep track of the kids, and we were there a couple weeks ago, and it was super busy. There's a new one opening up soon down by Flamingo and Durango, so I'll keep checking to see when that one is open, but there's got to be more around the town that are closer. We may want to find some indoor things that would be fun now that it is getting so stinkin' hot during the days. I know most of the little ones can't handle staying out for too long, so post if you have some ideas!

But, for tomorrow, let's just stick with swimming and we can talk about some other ideas then! See you tomorrow!


Emily said...

There's a really good water park off of 215 and St. Rose, on Paseo Verde. It's really big, and there's a covered playground too.

There is also one off of Charlston and the 215. Both of these are kinda far away, but maybe worth it once in awhile just for a change.

Linden said...

The water feature at Town Square is a ton of fun too, but a little crowded. At least there is only one way for kids to escape. It is now my favorite water feature.