Wednesday, July 16, 2008

free tickets to the children's museum

hey if you go to the library and sign up for the summer reading program (for kids-not adults anjie) you can get tickets to the children's museum. and i don't care what people say about where it is. it's a kid's museum and it has cool stuff. all you have to do is read/spell/sing/ etc. with your kids 10 times. you win other stuff to-but 10 times will get you free tickets. so,,,,in a few weeks we're taking a trip to the museum. better hurry up. you don't want to miss out!


Rachel said...

We did this program last year, and the kids loved it. Thanks for the heads up though! I totally spaced that it would be starting again. :)

Bringhursts said...

You already know this, but we are so there. We're only a few things away from our free ticket.

C Crane said...

Hey when do you usually go?