Friday, July 18, 2008

How about Playgroup at the PEAKS today??

Since Chelsie is out of town and so is Natalie Strickland and Natalie Burbidge moved, why don't we have playgroup at the Peaks for the rest of the summer?  Enough of us live here and there are two pools.  Let's make a decision on a place and time and try to stick with it.  Is anyone coming today?  I will either open the pool or let someone have my key, whenever they want to come.  Just let me know.  you can call me if you want to come 896-6151


Christi said...

The Peaks is fine by me too. Like I said we are going to be at Mt. Edge's today b/c I have to pick something up over there, but for the rest of the summer I am fine here too. People can always use our key as well.

kat and jason said...

i'm fine with going to the peaks--a pool is a pool. except i heard people were going there last fri--i even sent out a text if people were going--and i was stood up and had to go home. which is fine b/c i have my own pool. i just wanted to kids to see everyone.