Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Free picture book

Hello ladies,

My mom called me today and told me that today on Oprah there was a discussion about de-cluttering your house. One of the things that was mentioned was making a picture book from all your kids drawings and then discarding the loose papers. If you go to Oprah's webpage you can get a FREE picture book from Snapfish. You have to act quickly because the coupon needs to be obtained by tomorrow and then the book actually ordered by Sunday. You still have to pay for shipping and handling, but a the actual book is free (a $29.99 value).


Kara said...

Amen Sister! I have not been super happy with Oprah lately, but I just watched the episode and signed up for my free book! I'm making a photo book for Nathan for Christmas! Check it out ASAP girls! Oprah is on my good list again.

Brownies said...


Marchezt said...

Gotta love Oprah for spreading some wealth for us Mommies. My parents will be getting one for Christmas.

P.S. I love their idea of creating books with your kids art work in them. Neat idea to free up clutter and have forever.