Sunday, January 25, 2009

Anderson Dairy Tour Playgroup

Monday, January 26th at 10 a.m.

If you would like to caravan over, meet us at 9:30 a.m. in the southwest corner of the Smiths parking lot on Rainbow. Don't be late as we'll leave directly at 9:30 a.m.

If you would like to meet us there, the address is 801 Searles Avenue.
-Take I-15 North and take Exit #43/D Street - go 0.2 miles.
-Continue on a local road - go 0.2 miles.
-Bear Right on W WASHINGTON AVE (NV-578) - go 0.6 miles.
-Turn Left on N LAS VEGAS BLVD(NV-604) - go 0.2 miles.
-Turn Right on SEARLES AVE - go 0.1 miles.
-Arrive at 801 SEARLES AVE, LAS VEGAS, on the Left.

If you haven't RSVP'ed, come anyway! Also, since I've been asked many times, this is a FREE tour.

Hopefully we'll see you there!


Emily said...

9:30 Emily time or 9:30 other people time? I'm showing up at 9:40 just for fun.

Carl and Tami said...

Emily you are way too funny!

Bummer, I didn't check the blog earlier. I still haven't ever taken the kids to Andersen Dairy; heard it is a cool place though.

I just on to see what was going on today for playgroup. Guess Peyton is stuck playing with me today! Looks like some pretty fun stuff planned for the next month ... see you there!