Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Aight ladies,
this blog has been ignored long enough, so i shall post something to do. Apparently the M resort will let ladies over 21 and their kids under 6 into the pool for free (if you're a local). So this friday (May 6th) at about 10:30 I'm packin a lunch and headed to the pool if anyone wants to join the fun.
Let me know and we can carpool or caravan over there. They used to have free soda fountains too...let's hope that's still there!


Christi said...

How fun! Reagan has soccer practice

Cecily said...

We'll be there!!

Kinnsi said...

Good thinkin! Count us in!

Rock said...

Who wants to carpool?

Darrick and Krista Neibaur said...

Thanks for posting a play date! Sounds fun, I will not be able to go this time but keep 'em coming!