Monday, September 8, 2008

I found two story time playgroups on at the Spring Valley Library, and one at Town Square, in the play area. SPL is at 10:30, and the TS is at 11:00. Does this sound fun to anyone, or should we stick with swimming? PLEASE post what you would rather do (even if it something totally different) and I'll udpate tomorrow night with the plan.



Emily said...

I think the storytime at town square sounds fun, but I think I still might want to go swimming if the weather is nice!

Christi said...

Either of the story times sound good to me. If it is going to be real hot (I HATE the heat) I would rather be inside at Spring Valley, but since it is hopefully getting nice out TS would be fun too. If it is hot swimming is good to. I am a lot of help huh :)

Bringhursts said...

I am TIRED of swimming so story time sounds awesome! (Though I will swim if you all want to)

I'm with Christi and think the library sounds good until it gets a little cooler. Then we can go over to Town Square.

I thought it sounded fun to go to the Natural History Museum in the next couple weeks if anyone is interested . . . There are buy one/get one free coupons we can get online so it's cheap.

Lauren said...

Story time sounds like fun! And I agree indoors untill the weather is a little nicer.

Alifinale said...

I think we should do storytime maybe on Wed and still go swimming on Friday. Either storytime sounds like fun times to me!