Wednesday, October 8, 2008

October 22nd Halloween Party

Our playgroup has been invited to participate in Melinda Sorenson's Playgroup Halloween Party. (See details below) RSVP to me at or through comments on this blog. I need a headcount by next week (October 15th).


Wednesday, Oct. 22
10:30-12:30 , come when you can, for kids in morning school!
We will be playing games, and having a lot of fun!!

I do need a head count, as there will be a small cost per child.(under $5).

Please RSVP , ASAP (ha!) the number of children you will be bringing. I need to shop, so the sooner the better!

Invite your friends and neighbors, this is going to be WAY fun!

Location: LDS Church, for lack of a bigger space, on DI and Grand Canyon.
(Exact address coming)

In answer to a few questions:
Yes, have your kids wear costumes.
No, I don't know the cost yet....I want a close to final count before I buy supplies.
Yes, please bring cash or check to the party..... I will keep it cheap, and let you know a day or so ahead.
Yes, if you would like to help I need a parent in each group to "Take Charge" of each room as the groups go through....There is no prep work. Just the desire to have control!!
Ok. I think thats it.



Brownies said...

I think this sounds great. I'll send you an email too.

Cecily said...

We'll be there!! It'll just be me and Lexi.

Carl and Tami said...

Peyton and I will be there.