Thanks for coming over today! It was a lot of fun. I had my camera out and totally forgot to take any pictures. If anyone else took some, share them if you have a chance. Also, a pair of sunglasses were left behind. If you're missing yours, leave a comment and I'll bring them to the Ward Halloween party or to church on Sunday.
Janel, that was so much fun, thank you for sharing your amazing house and backyard with us! And thanks everyone for all the yummy food!
SO sorry I missed it! Both the boys have a little bit of a "croupy" cough and I didn't think y'all really wanted to hear that......
Hopefully, I will be there with them on Thursday!
Thanks so much Janel. It was a blast! I love the backyard too!
Janel, thanks for a super fun time. Your house was decorated so cute and the kids loved playing in your backyard. Thanks again for hosting such a fun little party.
Thanks again Janel for EVERYTHING!! You're so nice to have us all over and Trey was so nice to share all his fun toys. I enjoyed watching him and Nathan play good together. We really should get together more often. Call us when you've recovered from all the partying this week.
Thank you! My girls had so much fun!
Janel, you're awesome. Thank you so much for everything.
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