Sunday, February 8, 2009

Playgroup this Week

Wednesday, February 11th at 11 am: Story time at Town Square. The Controller from Thomas & Friends is coming to guest read. If your kids are anything like mine, they love everything Thomas. I figure it's worth changing around the Valentine's Party so we can go to this!

Friday, February 13th at 10 am: Valentine's Day Party at the church. Bring your valentines to share with friends. We'll decorate cupcakes and cookies and make a Valentine craft. See you there!

***Also, we are scheduled to do a tour of the Great Harvest Bakery off of the 215 and Tropicana next week. If you are attending, you must RSVP. They do gift sacks for all the kids and I have to give them a number. Come join us; it's so much fun. They even let the kids bake their own slice of bread. Please RSVP to or via a comment on this post by February 17th.


Christi said...

Sounds like good times. Do you want to do a potluck for lunch at the V-Day party?

Rachel said...

I will totally be attending the great harvest bread tour again. Leah will be at preschool, so it will just be Annie, Lucy and I. Do you need me to bring cupcakes or cookies to the Valentines day party?

Emily said...

Hey Anj, that all sounds way fun. I think i was already volunteered to bring cupcakes, so that's no problem. How many should I bring?

And count us in for the Great Harvest Tour...thanks!

Alifinale said...

Count me in for the Great Harvest tour. Also, can I bring anything to help with Valentine's Party? Plus it would be fun to do a pot luck if we want to or brings snacks to share or something. Let me know.

Kara said...

Count Nathan and I in for the Great Harvest Bread thing. See you all on Wed at Town Square. I hope that is as fun as it seems like it should be.

Bringhursts said...

Thanks for everything, girls, and for RSVP'ing. I have changed the V-Party to a potluck (see new post) so just post what you want to bring. Em, I'm not sure on the cupcakes? I know Kara's doing cookies so I'm thinking maybe like a couple dozen? It's always better to have too much than not enough.

Kara said she was going to bring decorations and icing for the cakes & cookies. If anyone else wants to bring sprinkles, candy, etc to decorate with, just let us know. Thanks!

Alexis said...

I will be going to the Great Harvest tour. That sounds like fun.

Shayne said...

Lauren and I will be going to the harvest bread tour. Thanks!