Monday, February 9, 2009

Valentine's Party at Church (POTLUCK) MORE INFORMATION!!!

Friday, February 13th Valentine's Playgroup Party & Potluck Lunch

Several of us are thinking it would be fun to do a potluck lunch in conjunction with the Valentine's Party on Friday. So, if you'd like to bring something, just leave a comment on this post and let us know what you'll be bringing.

See you then!

To answer your questions, the craft we'll be making will be a little envelope to carry the Valentines in. If you want to bring anything fun to decorate the envelopes with, please do so. We can always use glue sticks, markers, and any fun things you want to decorate with. We would love it for you to bring anything fun like that to share. Also, since we are doing a potluck, please let us know what you want to bring for the lunch. I'm not sure how many Valentines you'll need to bring but I would bring at least 20. I hope that answers all the questions.


Berns and Shea said...

I would love to bring something, just not sure what yet. Also--how many Valentines should we bring to pass out?

Alifinale said...

I have a bunch of those mini quiche so I will bring those. They are easy finger food. Also, if you need help with making cookies or cupcakes or frosting please let me know.

Christi said...

I will bring some pasta salad!

Lauren said...

I will bring some fruit and dip to go with it!

Bringhursts said...

I will bring a noodle dish.

Rebecca and Nick said...

I will bring chips and some sort of dip, probably a layered bean dip.