Thursday, May 28, 2009

June and July Playgroup

Thanks for those who put forth their opinions! I scheduled out June and July. If you want to make changes or have other ideas, please put them on!

June 3- Mountains Edge Splash Park
June 5- Swimming at the Courtyards (Alexis)
June 10- Swimming at the Courtyards (TBA)
June 12- Swimming at the Courtyards (Nicole)
June 17- Rave Motion Picture 10am- Madagascar 2
June 19- Swimming at the Courtyards (Nicole)
June 24- Pump It Up
June 26- Swimming at Lamplight (Shea)
June 30- Swimming at Lamplight (Shea)
July 3- NO Playgroup
July 8- Rave Motion Picture 10 am Horton Hears A Who
July10- Swimming at Lamplight (Shea)
July 15- Swimming at Lamplight (Shea)
July 17- Swimming at Lamplight (Shea)
July 22- Tentatively Child's Play
July 24- Swimming at the Peaks (Kara) Pool closest to Eldorado
July 29- Rave Motion Picture 10 am Shrek 3
July 31- Swimming at the Peaks (Kara)

Other info:
All the movies are free! They play every Wed. I know for sure, I just picked a couple I thought the kids would like. Swimming will start at 10, unless anyone feels strongly about another time. The person listed is who will be opening the pool. If you have questions feel free to ask them or myself! When it gets closer to some of the things other than swimming, it might be nice to post if you plan on attending so we can know who to look out for. When they get some called to this hopefully it will be a little more organized! I know that I am going to be gone a lot of July. But I will try and post reminders of the outings!! If anyone wants to change anything please do!!!!!

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Thank you Christi!!