Our playgroup has been invited to participate in Melinda Sorenson's Playgroup Halloween Party. (See details below) RSVP to me at
anjiebringhurst@yahoo.com or through comments on this blog. I need a headcount by next week (October 15th).
Wednesday, Oct. 22
10:30-12:30 , come when you can, for kids in morning school!
We will be playing games, and having a lot of fun!!
I do need a head count, as there will be a small cost per child.(under $5).
Please RSVP , ASAP (ha!) the number of children you will be bringing. I need to shop, so the sooner the better!
Invite your friends and neighbors, this is going to be WAY fun!
Location: LDS Church, for lack of a bigger space, on DI and Grand Canyon.
(Exact address coming)
In answer to a few questions:
Yes, have your kids wear costumes.
No, I don't know the cost yet....I want a close to final count before I buy supplies.
Yes, please bring cash or check to the party..... I will keep it cheap, and let you know a day or so ahead.
Yes, if you would like to help I need a parent in each group to "Take Charge" of each room as the groups go through....There is no prep work. Just the desire to have control!!
Ok. I think thats it.